Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Consistency is Key

Consistency, consistency, consistency! This is one of the most important factors when it comes your fitness goals, or any goal for that matter. Consistently working towards a goal each and every single day is drastically important to attaining it.

Across all aspects of performance, consistency is one of the most valuable assets to have. No one cares about the person who can operate at 100% one day every 1-2 months. I’m much more interested in the person who can operate at 75-90% every single day, over a long period of time. Throw in a couple days operating above 90% every once and a while and you are a legend! 

Now, let’s tie this back into your fitness regimen. If you go to the gym and go 100% every single day, you are going to burn yourself out quickly. This is the person who starts back up on a new plan, goes hard for a couple days, and then burns out because they are too sore. What they are doing isn’t sustainable. The same can be said for extreme diets. These individuals are, in a sense, putting their body into a state of shock. I talked about that in my last article, Sticking to that New Year’s Resolution. I’d much rather consistently perform at 75-90% every single day. By that word “perform,” I mean eat, sleep, train, and engage in activities outside of the gym that contribute to a healthier lifestyle. The person who can consistently do those things between 75-90% will always out-perform the person who can go at 100% for a few days. 

Over time, after growing more efficient, developing better habits, and staying consistent, the person who was going about their days at 75-90% will slowly start to fine tune his/her ability to be better and better every single day. Soon it becomes 78-90%/day, 80-92%/day, and so on. You slowly start to get better at doing more of the right things and getting them done with quality. This same progression applies to mastering any skill. It takes time and it takes CONSISTENCY! Consistently apply yourself to whatever you want to achieve. Every. Single. Day. It’s not a magic solution, it just takes time and consistency. 

As always, thanks for reading!

Ryan Goodell, CSCS 

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