Monday, September 26, 2016

Planning and Tracking Your Training Regimen

Many people go to the gym and either do a random assortment of exercises or perform the same workout every day. Neither of these methods is very effective in the long run. A better approach is to have a plan laid out and to track your training regimen.  

It is important to have a laid-out program so you have a general idea and plan when training. The plan can always be adjusted, if needed, and keeps you on track for improving and working towards your goals. This program will add structure to your training regimen, allowing you to track where you’re going and what you’ve previously done. Plans follow a general template that should be tailored to the goal you are trying to accomplish. As you progress, you can input your weights/numbers/times into the template so you have something to look back on. Typically a template is for a given amount of time or number of training sessions. I personally like to keep my training templates and plans between 4-8 weeks. Following the completion of the program, you can look back at the numbers, weights, times, and lifts you performed and reassess how the plan went. Depending on what it looks like, you can see whether you’ve made progress and which lifts seemed to work best, and make any modifications to improve the plan for the next training cycle. Here is an example of how I track my training programs in an Excel file: 

Tracking your program doesn’t necessarily need to be this elaborate, and some just use a simple composition notebook. The overlying principle here is to plan and track what you are doing.

Tracking and recording your training program is critical if you are trying to continually make progress. This can hold true for other things in life as well. As the saying goes, “if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” This is just another carryover from training to real life that you can teach yourself through your training. Tracking your training plan will give you this ability and allow you to make some tweaks and changes to the program in order to give you better results. 

Ryan Goodell, CSCS

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